Uralla Central School

Standing tall, Walking proud since 1862

Telephone6778 4204


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.



School Staff 2025

Principal – Brad Hunt 

Deputy Principal - Dan Williams

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction – Charmaine Endacott

Assistant Principal - Hannah Grills

Assistant Principal (Relieving) - Katie Hunt

Assistant Principal (Relieving) - Lauren Cotter

Head of Administration and Organisation (Relieving) – Jodie Taylor

Head Teacher English/CAPA/Wellbeing - Dylan Smith

Head Teacher English/CAPA (Relieving) - Jason Auld

Head Teacher Secondary Studies - Greg Wood

Head of Educational Pathways Program - Ginny Fenwicke

Learning and Support Teachers - Sandra Free, Maureen Locke

Teacher Librarian - Rebecca Tobler

Careers Advisor - Greg Wood

Primary School Classroom Teachers

Kindergarten Rubies  - Katie Hunt

1 Sapphires - Lauren Cotter

2 Emeralds - Jo Sherrin

3/4 Pearls - Christie Oxley

3/4 Diamonds - Annabelle Green

5/6 Garnets - Natasha Gregory

5/6 Pearls - Georgia Patterson

Secondary Classroom Teachers

Amy Hobbs - Mathematics

Carl Yeomans - Mathematics

Gemma Taylor - Mathematics (Relieving)

Steph Looker - Science

Jess Burton - Science

Sam Brown - PDHPE

Tony Dawson - Visual Arts

Danielle Rabaud - Visual Arts/English

Craig Merrick - Technology

Jason Walker - Wood Technology

Risa Matsui - Music

Jason Auld - History/English

Rebecca Tobler - History/English

Browen Riley - Japanese

Sasha Riordan - English

Jodie Taylor - Hospitality

Louise Upjohn - Agriculture

School Administration and Support Staff

School Administration Manager - Karen Acton

School Administration Officers - Ashleigh Ayre, Karen Steward, Suzanne Garrahy, Barbara Holmes, Roni-Ann Kitchener, Allison Broadbent (EPP)

Aboriginal Education Officer - Dixie Skuthorpe

Student Support Officer - Michelle Koina

Farm and General Assistant - Steven Kliendienst

Canteen Manager - Larni Burr

Canteen Assistant - Amy Burr

School Learning Support Officers - Chelsea Cooper, Lorraine Walkinshaw, Emily Garrahy, Nora Beard, Kiah Mollar, Jane Grennan, Juanita Burnes, Megan Rees, Larni Burr, Robert Burton